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How to Crack Gate Exam in Last 2 Month

GATE Syllabus - Take stock of where you stand

Irrespective of whether you have been preparing for GATE since the past many months or recently started, the first wise step would be to take stock of where you stand in terms of your preparation. The GATE 2020 syllabus is vast and needs to be covered to crack the exam. However, it is also a fact that this syllabus was covered by you during your graduation. The way you cover the syllabus depends upon your levels of preparation. The different strategies to be taken by students at different levels is summarized below.
If you have just started preparation – then it is better that you start with the taking stock of what you need to complete in terms of the GATE syllabus. Little drops of water make the mighty ocean. So break the syllabus of GATE 2020 into small sections. Check the past year question papers and choose the topics that carry more weightage than the others. Study those more than the others. Here, you must consciously choose to study some topics and may need to leave some topics at a not so prepared state.
If you have been preparing somewhat less seriously all these months – you must first segregate the topics into strong, weak and unknown. While unknown is best left untouched unless it is one of the most important topics, it’s time to concentrate on the weak ones and build on the strong ones. Again you must prioritise what is important and what is not so you can concentrate on getting the study part right.
If you have been dedicatedly studying for GATE 2020 – it’s time to see what you have studied and how well, what is still left to be covered and how best to go on with it.

2. General Aptitude and Mathematics - Sections that you should not miss

Well GATE may be a tough exam but it is still a number game. The General Aptitude and Mathematics sections carry 30 marks out of the 100 marks of the GATE 2020 paper. These sections are by far the easiest of the whole paper as they are designed to test the student’s aptitude and understanding of general mathematical concepts as well as reasoning and logical aptitude. Use this to your advantage in your strategy to crack GATE 2020 in 2 months. Practice the Maths section as well as the English ones every day for the next months. Check the previous year question papers to see the kind of questions that have been asked in these sections. Make sure you practice the various sample papers for these sections and get strong in them. Well 30 marks out of 100 sure count when the ranks are awarded.

3. Make the timetable for the next 2 months

An important part is making a timetable for how to prepare for GATE 2020 in 2 months. Even if you are not the kind to stick to a time table, it is an essential part as you need to broadly know where you are going and a timetable allows you to measure your steps to cracking GATE. So it is actually a good idea to get a timetable up that spells what you should cover and by when. Make it a week wise table to keep track of the preparation efforts and ensure you keep to it. While it is a helpful tool, it is not a very good idea to waste time over a minute day to day preparation schedule of timetable as time is of essence at this juncture.

4. Build on your strengths; improve on your weak points

A good strategy takes care of the strong points and the weak ones too. It is never just about improving your weak subjects. So make sure that you revise the subjects you are strong in as those are your scoring sections. Don’t neglect them thinking that you will do well in them because doing well is not enough. Therefore build on them and hone the weaker topics alongside so you have a balanced preparation for the GATE exam in 2 months.

5. How should you study for GATE in 2 Months?

Well the how to prepare for GATE strategy is no different from all important exams. The methodology basically remains the same. Its execution differs, that’s all. Get a good grasp of the subject and concepts involved. GATE is reportedly analytical in nature. So the most important thing is that you should be able to relate the concepts and deduce the answers. This is the sure shot strategy required for GATE.
Make Short Notes – One piece of advice commonly given by most toppers and experts is to make to short notes for revision while you study. You will be glad to have them during the last days of revision when you just need to skim over topics and revise very fast
Focus on is the numerical part of the question papers – The key in these questions is accuracy. A single digit here or there loses you those crucial marks. The questions in this section are not really tough. They however involve meticulous calculations which can only come through lots of practice. Ideally if you know the formulae to use in addition to speedy calculations down to the required decimal point, you will crack these.
GATE Sample Papers 2020Practise and Practice till you succeed. One can just get better with practice. The sample papers and question papers are the right tools for this. You can know the state of your preparation just by attempting these. Make them your building tools. Use them to test yourself and get going when there is need for improvement.
Attempt, Analyse and Revise – Practice maketh a man perfect. This old age adage is true only if it is correctly put to use. Mere practising or attempting the exam will not be enough. You need to analyse where you did well, not so well and badly. Improve areas where the performance is not so well and bad. Revise the areas where the performance is good. This is a crucial exercise and needs to be done after each topic is covered. This will help you stay grounded in your preparation efforts.

6. Self Motivation is the key

One aspect in your how to prepare for GATE 2020 in 2 months strategy is that you need to keep your motivation levels up. It does not matter if you don’t do well right now. This will be common during the initial days. Don’t be hard on yourself. Instead remember “Rome was not built in one day”. Make these performances your stepping stones to success in GATE by learning from them.
Read topper interviews, topper tips – there are many students who have tasted success in spite of all odds. You could take inspiration from them.

7. All work and no play makes Jack a dull Boy

One proverb that is reads simple but carries a depth of meaning. While preparing for GATE 2020 in 2 months will be hard, you should build some relaxing “Me” time into the whole preparation timetable. No one can just sit continuously for hours and hours together simply studying and working. It is also not healthy. So breaks between the intense study schedules are a must. Incorporate them in your timetable for how to to prepare for GATE 2020 in 2 months and make sure you do relax. Relaxing can vary from listening to good movies, chatting up friends, taking walks or even meditating. What suits you and soothes you should be done to take the stress away.

8. Health is wealth

One thing to keep mind of in this intense 2 months preparation time for GATE 2020 is to stay healthy. Eating habits must be such that you don’t suffer from any health related issues, sleep should be adequate; make sure of these factors. If you are healthy, you will be able to cope with the pressure and prepare well for the exam.

9. GATE Topper Tip

Nobody can understand this better than someone who has been there and done that before. The various GATE toppers of the past years are students like you who have beaten the odds to come on top. Use their tips, strategies to make your own one to crack GATE 2020 in 2 months. Most of the toppers have persevered in spite of all odds – be it a job, lack of time, lack of knowledge. It did not deter them from achieving success in GATE. If they can, so can you.
Some common ones that have been a constant with most of them are summarised below
  • Understand the subject and concepts. Don’t Go by Rote learning.
  • Solve sample papers, previous year papers. This will allow you to understand the GATE 2020 exam pattern and prepare you better for the actual exam in terms of time management, speed techniques.
  • Study, Analyse and revise- The mantra to be religiously followed in your GATE preparation for 2 months is this. This mantra will help keep you grounded and make you strong in whatever you have learnt.
  • Remember there is no short cut to success. The sky is the limit and successful people are those who go that extra mile.
All the Best!
